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                 Divination Cards are simply a tool that offers way to focus your intuition so you can tune into the spiritual guidance and insight. The cards themselves are not magic, but rather they offer a mechanism for you to tune into the magic and Divine guidance within you. They are based on the Law of Magnetic Attraction, in which cards are attracted to the person’s current emotions, thoughts and beliefs. Because your emotions and beliefs create your future, the cards provide insight into the direction of relationships, careers, finances, health and other areas. The Bach Flower Wellness Cards are a great support while working with Bach flower remedies; you can do a reading with the cards and pick the remedies intuitively by choosing from the card deck. The Flower Cards are a resource for the practitioner, student or those interested in learning about Flower Therapy, based on Dr. Edward Bach's healing system.


The deck consists of beautifully designed cards for all 38 Bach Flowers and 2 combination pack cards (rescue remedy and abundance pack), each with the negative and positive keywords, botanical pictures, symbols and positive affirmations. 

Doing a card reading

  • If your deck is new, before you draw, take all the cards out and go through them one by one, meditating on each card.

  • If it's an old deck from your collection or one borrowed, knock on it or sage it, to clear and reset the energy. This step does make a difference.

  • Take three deep breaths, focus, and ask your question or state your intention of what you'd like to know.

  • Shuffle the cards until you hear or sense when. You will sense it. If you have a method of shuffling, carry out this method until you sense when.

  • Choose the card or series of cards that calls to you. Flip over the cards and observe them in the following ways:

    • Learn the Positive Aspects of each Flower

    • Choose a Daily Affirmation for Self-Healing

    • Learn to identify the Flower images

    • Assist Remedy Selection

    • Meditate on the card for 5 minutes in the morning and evening

    • Keep the card with you

    • Chant the name of the flower as often as you can

    • Chant the name while tapping EFT therapy



Card Elements

I wanted to put together a Bach flower remedies card deck that went beyond simply the messages of the flowers. I felt that the colour therapy, chakra information, corresponding tarot cards and healing crystals could add different perspectives to the diagnosis. The Bach Flower Wellness Divination Cards will help you get messages for yourself and others. All the cards have some common elements described below.

A background colour: colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull and our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura. Colour energy affects us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional.

A tarot card image: helps as pictorial depiction of the negative or positive emotions of the remedy.

Negative keywords: negative emotions associated with the flower remedy.

Positive keywords: positive emotions associated with the flower remedy.

Affirmations: positive sentences to help boost the energy of the flower remedy.

Chakra symbol: chakra corresponding to the flower remedy.

Artist signature: each card has an ‘Art by Sheetal’ stamp on it. 


Cards have a matt finish

Size 3.5 by 4.7 inches



Check out an introductory video on YouTube

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